Dr. Julie Powell

Professor of Health and Physical Education

Campbellsville Campus
Julie Powell Photo
Julie Powell, Ed.D. is a professor in Human Performance and teaches courses in health, physical education, and sport management. She has served roles in Christian higher education for over 30 years in areas like sports information, intramurals, athletic administration, and more. She earned both an undergraduate and graduate degree from Union University in physical education and health, while her doctorate is in sport management and leadership. Her love of travel is apparent in that she has visited all the Major League Baseball stadiums, completed a 5K in all 50 states, with Alaska completing that journey. Over the years, she’s enjoyed speaking and writing on topics such as generational theory, appreciative inquiry, student-athlete success, and emerging adulthood which led her to start a blog entitled Flourishing @ Life in 2019 that shares content on integrating faith into a person’s everyday life, especially for those in sport-related careers.
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